Purpose: To improve general marksmanship through the application

of  practical aiming techniques.


Objectives: Provide individual (personnel, one on one) instruction to

each Student and correct individual problems. Additionally, demonstrate

substantial improvement over successive rounds within a 3 inch radius

from 7 yards without aiming. In still shooter confidence with his weapon

and abilities, over 500 rounds.


Length: 4-8 hours (Depending on number of scenarios and repetitions)


Weapon: .22 Caliber Pistol (Revolver or Semi-Auto Target)


Ammunition: 500 rounds (standard .22) no Hollow-Point


Class Size: 12 to 18 Students shooting from 6 to 8 stations

in rotation from 7 yards.


Targets: Standard 8 ½ by 11-inch white paper and some contrasting colored

paper  for side by side shooting scenario.


Detail Course Outline – The instruction will start with giving the students basic instructions on stiff arm (one or two handed) aiming techniques.  Initial firing will begin shooting at the center of each of four sheets of paper per shooter, arranged as shown in Fig.1.


Actual firing sequences will normally be 2 rounds per sheet at the verbal command of the instructor. The instructor shall verbally direct which of the four targets the student shall fire at. Typically, the student shall fire 14 to 18 rounds (reloading as required) before rotating with his partner.  This rotation will allow the each student a respite, time to reflect on his last rounds of fire and time observe his partners round of fire. As the class progresses the instructor shall modify the aiming point from the center of each sheet to the top and bottom half (see Fig. 2) of each sheet.  This shall continue for as many rounds necessary to improve the pattern of the majority of the students.



At this point the student aiming point shall once again modified to shoot at the top, center and bottom (see Fig. 3) of each sheet.  This pattern shall continue till such time as the instructor deems that the student’s have demonstrated improvement with the 3 clusters of fire on each sheet.




Once again, the instructor shall change the students aiming points to each of the four corners (see Fig.4) of the sheet.





The final patterns change, when the majority of students show improvement, will be all four corners and the center (see Fig. 5) each sheet.



          Additional suggested variations, after the above rounds of fire, would be to have each student fire at adjacent shooter targets from their own station position. Objective here is to significantly change the aiming angle . In this case the student should maintain upper body and arm position and just rotate at the hips to maintain a normal sighting stance. To demonstrate how the shooting pattern has improved over the course of shooting up to this point an exercise of using two sheets of paper (of different colors) posted on top of each other (see Fig. 6) should be attempted.  This scenario should dramatically demonstrate the difficulty shooting a bad guy behind a hostage with only their two heads in view.





          Lastly, students should be allowed period of free practice with their normal, larger caliber weapon, to demonstrate the principles learned in the above course with their carry weapon.